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Forum Announcement: PvP-Planet Return
Greetings Fellow Members,

I am sadden due to the excitement what was proposed in the discord server, How ever due to one of our developers who ruined everything and locked my out of my discord, I have had to start from scratch Once again, But this time once a stable beta has been established i will release the client to the public, To obtain bugs/Glitches an more content/feature ideas.

Please if anyone is still in the discord server to message me a invite request, if not please add the new discord Thankyou for all your patience


About Pvp-planet

Focus MyBB Theme is designed for MyBB 1.8 series and is tested properly till the most current version of MyBB i.e. 1.8.x. It is simple, clean and light MyBB theme with use of font-awesome icons and shrinking header.

Modify above message at Admin CP -> Templates and Styles -> Focus Templates -> Footer Template - footer

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